General Licensing Objectives
No general conditions are proposed, other than mandatory conditions in the Licensing Act 2003, on the basis that there is no reason to believe that the proposed variation will give rise to any general problem.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder Objectives
There are no Crime and Disorder problems associated with these premises and no additional conditions are proposed.
Public Safety Objectives
There are no Public Safety issues associated with these premises or the proposed variation and no additional conditions are proposed.
Prevention of Public Nuisance Objectives
There are no Public Nuisance issues associated with the premises and no additional conditions are proposed save that the use of outside areas for the consumption of alcohol will be limited to 23.00.
Protection of Children from Harm Objectives
Children who are not resident under the age 14 will not be permitted to remain in the premises after 21.00.
If any film is shown that has not been previously broadcast before 20.00 hours on television, it will be subject to an appropriate age classification and children under the appropriate age will not be permitted in the premises when the film is shown.