Geranium Florists

12-14 High Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3JG

Completed application 011078 which is a Cancellation/Surrender for Premises Licence from 10/12/2008 to 09/12/2009


Full NameMr Sean COLLINS

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMr Sean COLLINS

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Requested
Time FromTime To
Monday - Saturday 08:45 17:00
Sunday 08:45 16:00
Seasonal Variations:

Late night opening for Christmas, New Year, Valentines and Mothers Day.

Non Standard Timings:

21:00 Closing on occasions of late night opening (as described in supply of alcohol).

Activities - Times Requested
Time FromTime To
J. Supply of alcohol for consumption OFF the premises only
Monday - Saturday 08:45 17:00
Sunday 08:45 16:00
Seasonal Variations:

Late night opening for Christmas, Mothers Day, Valentines.

Non Standard Timings:

During occasional late night closing eg 1 week prior to Xmas, 13 February, Saturday before Mothers Day, closing time approx 21.00. This approximates to 10 days per annum.

Additional Conditions

Premises Plans