Washford Lane, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 0EP
There is usually an annual production in the summer with a minimal charge (Thursday or Friday evening 1900-2030).
There are usually two Christmas Productions for parents with no charge (Monday to Friday 0900-0300).
'U' rated DVD's shown to pupil on an occasional basis during the school day.
Assemblies or demonstrations/concerts of music learnt during school time, including perapatetic music lessons.
PTA discos or annual talent contest for pupils. Discos 4 times a year. Small charge for fund raising.
Assemblies or demonstrations of dances learnt in school or at after school clubs.
Annex 1 - Mandatory Conditions
1. Where this licence authorises the exhibition of films the admission of children must be restricted in accordance with the British Board of Film Classification.
2. Where this licence includes a condition that at specified times one or more individuals must be at the premises to carry out a security activity, these individuals must be licensed by the Security Authority (Section 21, Licensing Act 2003).
Further information can be obtained from the Licensing Section, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 4EX
Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the operating schedule
Prevention of crime and disorder objectives
After school events are only open to friends and family of pupils by ticket only. School staff are always on site.
Public safety objectives
Our normal health and safety precautions are in place, together with individual risk assessments for each event.
Protection of children from harm objectives
Our usual child protection policy is in place. For after school productions parents present (ticket only). For PTA disco's all adults present have CRB disclosure certificates and risk assessment procedures followed.
Annex 3 - Conditions from a hearing
Annex 4 - The Plan