Bell House Chapel

The Windmills, St Mary's Close, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 1EF

Completed application 013442 which is a New Application for Premises Licence from 08/04/2011 to indefinite


Full Name Alton Dance Ltd T/A The Joneses Studio

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMrs Helen Hall

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Requested
Time FromTime To
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 00:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Non Standard Timings:

New Years Eve until 0030.

Activities - Times Requested
Time FromTime To
A. Performance of a play (Indoors)
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 00:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Further details:

Studio will be used for rehearsals in connection with theatre performances held at a different venue.

Seasonal Variations:

Rehearsals occasionally through out the year for an annual performance.

B. Exhibition of films (Indoors)
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 00:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Further details:

Showing videos of performances by members of the dance school for training purposes. Sound will be amplified.

Seasonal Variations:

Videos occasionally throughout the year for training purposes.

J. Supply of alcohol for consumption ON the premises only
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 23:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Non Standard Timings:

New Years Eve 0000.

E. Performance of live music (Indoors)
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 00:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Further details:

Live music could take place to a company private performance for invited guests. Occasionally amplified.

Seasonal Variations:

Occasional performances only.

Non Standard Timings:

New Years Eve until 0030.

F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors)
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 00:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Further details:

Recorded music is used to aid all dance lessons and will be amplified.

Non Standard Timings:

New Years Eve until 0030.

G. Performance of dance (Indoors)
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 00:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Further details:

We will have no standard day for performances but occasionally we will hold private performances for members of family or invited guests.

Non Standard Timings:

Performance times will be kept to our standard opening times for the dance school.

H. Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within E, F, or G (Indoors)
Monday-Thursday 07:00 22:00
Friday & Saturday 07:00 00:00
Sunday 10:00 18:00

Occasionally we would like to organise latin and ballroom styled parties for our members of the dance school in which we would like to use some times live music.

Further details:

These events would only happen on the days stated above and occasionally not always using live music but when we do the music might be amplified. We will take all actions to make sure we protect the amenities of the ocupiers of nearby premises.

Non Standard Timings:

New Years Eve until 0030.

Additional Conditions

Premises Plans