ANNEX 3 - Licensing Objectives
General Licensing Objectives
We intend to have two people qualify for Personal Licences in the near future to help ensure orderly conduct at all Village Hall events. A member of the Management Committee, a Personal Licence holder, is the designated Premises Supervisor.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder Objectives
In general the activities of the Village Hall do not give rise to crime and disorder. Numerous Temporary Event Notices have been given in the past and the events have taken place without problems.
The DPS will ensure that he, or a responsible person appointed and briefed by him in writing, does not sell or supply alcohol to a person who is drunk nor knowingly allow disorderly conduct on the Premises.
The DPS and the holder of the Premises Licence will not knowingly keep, or allow to be kept, on the Premises any goods that have been imported without payment of duty or which have otherwise been unlawfully imported or acquired.
When alcohol is being sold the DPS, or a responsible person appointed and briefed by him will endeavour to:
a) Prevent the admission and ensure the departure from the premises of the drunk and disorderly, without causing further disorder; and
b) keep out excluded individuals (subject to court bans or imposed by the licence holder).
The Management Committee will be responsible, as far as possible, for ensuring that anyone suspected of carrying illegal drugs, or carrying offensive weapons, will be searched and excluded from the premises.
A CCTV system has not been installed as it is considered the costs outweigh the risks. This will, however, be kept under review.
Public Safety Objectives
A Health and Safety Risk Assessment has been undertaken and safety measures and controls to minimise the risk to the public have been implemented.
There is exterior lighting which is considered adequate for people leaving the building at night.
Prevention of Public Nuisance Objectives
Amplified music will be monitored so as not to cause a disturbance.
There are prominent notices requesting people to leave quietly and to respect the needs of local residents. A responsible person will be present to endeavour to ensure this happens and also that everyone leaves the premises.
Bottles and other refuse will not be emptied into outside bins after midnight.
Protection of Children from Harm Objectives
The DPS will ensure that he or a responsible person appointed and briefed by him, briefs anyone involved in the sale of alcohol that is a criminal offence to sell alcohol to a person who is under the age of 18, without exception.
Notices will be displayed at the point of sale stating that it is an offence to purchase, or attempt to purchase, alcohol if under the age of 18.
There will be a 'No proof, no sale' policy.