General Licensing Objectives
No new steps have been identified by risk assessment in relation to the four licensing objectives, except those stated.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder Objectives
Providing a 30 minute extension of opening hours after the end of the sale of alcohol will promote this objective as the last will be consumed less quickly, with access to the pubs toilet facilities. In view of the customer base and trading history, no requirement for door staff or CCTV is indicated by risk assessments.
Public Safety Objectives
My risk assessment identifies no risk of crowding.
Prevention of Public Nuisance Objectives
The sale of alcohol will not be required to be ancillary to the sale of food at any time during opening hours, although my risk assessment is based on continuation of the current mix of food and liquor sales, which has not led to any risks to the licensing objectives, no undertaking or condition is offered in relation to this.
Protection of Children from Harm
The restrictions set out in the Licensing Act 2003 will apply. No unusual risks of harm to children have been identified.