Himalayan Garden

30 Headley Road, Grayshott, Hindhead, Surrey, GU26 6LD

Completed application 003831 which is a Change of Supervisor for Premises Licence from 22/08/2006 to indefinite


Full Name Gurkha Durbar Limited

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMajor Mani Kumar Rai

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Requested
Time FromTime To
Monday-Sunday 12:00 16:00
Monday-Sunday 17:00 01:00
Seasonal Variations:

Bank Holidays, Valentines Day, Easter, Bonfire Night, Christmas Eve, New Years Eve we may stay open till 0200 hours until last customer leaves.

Non Standard Timings:

Until 0200 hours.

Activities - Times Requested
Time FromTime To
I. Late night refreshment (Indoors)
Monday-Sunday 12:00 16:00
Monday-Sunday 17:00 01:00
Further details:

We provide a take away service so food can be taken home.

Seasonal Variations:

When we have events or functions for customers.

J. Supply of alcohol for consumption ON and OFF the premises
Monday-Sunday 12:00 16:00
Monday-Sunday 17:00 01:00
Seasonal Variations:

We provide a takeaway service so customers can buy and take home alcohol from us.

Non Standard Timings:

Occasions when special events/celebrations by customers we ask for licence till 0200 hours.

E. Performance of live music (Indoors & Outdoors)
Monday-Sunday 12:00 16:00
Monday-Sunday 17:00 23:00
Further details:

Occasionally bag piper unamplified.

Seasonal Variations:

Restaurant anniversary in May, New Years Eve and occasions.

Non Standard Timings:

New Years Eve. We would like licence to end 0100 hours. Outdoor live music must cease at 2100 hours.

F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors)
Monday-Sunday 12:00 16:00
Monday-Sunday 17:00 01:00
Further details:

Traditional Nepalese music CD unamplified.

Seasonal Variations:

Christmas Carols CD.

Non Standard Timings:

Christmas Eve.

New Years Eve.

G. Performance of dance (Indoors)
Monday-Sunday 12:00 16:00
Monday-Sunday 17:00 01:00
Further details:

Traditional Nepalese Dances.

Seasonal Variations:

Nepalese New Year in April.

Restaurant anniversary in May.

Nepalese Festival in October.

H. Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within E, F, or G (Indoors)
Monday-Sunday 12:00 16:00
Monday-Sunday 17:00 01:00

Slide Show, talk on the culture and history of Nepal.

Further details:

Lectures/talk will be unamplified.

Seasonal Variations:

Occassions when VIP or renowned persons visit.

Additional Conditions

Premises Plans