General Licensing Objectives
Following an assessment of the premises and its surrounding area the following is proposed:
30 minute "drinking up" time will allow appropriate dispersal, use of lavatories etc
in order to further the licensing objectives the licensee reserves the right to move the fire appliances. AWP machines, cigarette machines and or other similar objects temporarily in a fixed location which may impact on the ability of individuals on the premises to use exits or escape routes without impediment.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder objectives
Illumination is provided to the exterior areas of the pub.
All interior trading areas are visible to staff from behind the bar servery.
The toilets are checked regularly
The licensees/staff monitor customer behaviour especially during bust periods.
Drug prevention measures are employed.
Drivers "shelf" with selection of soft drinks.
Public Safety objectives
Complies with smoking charter
Accident / incident book on site for staff and public
Maximum effort is placed on providing a smoke free environment with the use of extractors and smokefilters
Kitchen staff hold Basic Food Hygiene certificates
Staff are trained in our disability policy and assistance is always available.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
A noise survey is carried out regularly especially when entertainment is being provided.
When required, staff organise taxis to transport customers home and customers home and customers are seen off the premises and encouraged to disperse at closing.
The fact that this public house is a detached property assists in minimising noise transfer to neighbours.
The Pub has a lobbied entrance which reduces noise emission.
We ask our customers to respect our neighbours and leave quietly.
The Protection of Children from Harm
Unaccompanied children are not permitted on the premises.
Children are not permitted in the bar, save access to garden and use of toilets.
AWP is positioned in sight of the bar counter.
Children only allowed in the no smoking dining area and garden